Pulsepictures is a small web-oriented media venture. Pulsepictures employs a solid grasp of graphic and web design principles and good understanding of current web technologies (html5 / css3) Illustrator, Photoshop, inDesign to make your products.
Pulsepictures' services include:
- Web design and implementation through hand-crafted html and css
- Preparation of images and portfolio materials for on-line publication
- Development of database-driven dynamic websites (galeries, on-line stores, etc.)
- A package of tools to easily maintain the content of your website
- Professional help in updating, re-designing and modifying your website
Pulsepictures is headed by Pieternel Overweel. Pulsepictures' focus on the art world is motivated by Pieternel's background in painting, printmaking, and art history (in which she has a masters degree).
Pieternel Overweel